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The Monster

The harsh drumming of rain on the roof, was not lulling the way that Katalina was expecting. It sounded more like paintball pellets bludgeoning the house with ferocious force. A thunderous rip caused her to jump expectantly, jolting her completely awake. There hadn’t been rain in almost six months. Tonight was the night that the skies had decided to open up. Sighing heavily, she threw her legs over the side of the bed to sit up. She watched the sheets of rain run down the window, mesmerized momentarily. Slipping into her fleece slippers, she padded down the hall to her daughters’ room. Sylvan, 14, and Zoe 16. She knew they knew better than to sneak out, but she still could never be too cautious. Since the government had instituted martial law, it was no longer safe for a young girl out on the streets after curfew. Anything could happen. They could be murdered, raped, or sold into sex slavery. The latter was the more probable these days. With the number of young uninfected girls dwindling by the day, Kat kept a close watch on her girls. You could never be too safe.

Peering in to the room, she saw the familiar lumps under the blanket stir slightly at the sound of the door opening. She exhaled gratefully. She didn’t even notice that she had been holding her breath expectantly. Clunking back down the hall she settled in in front of the t.v with a stale cup of cold coffee she had plucked from the coffeemaker on her way to the den. Flipping thru the channels, she settled on an old National Geographic special. She didn’t even feel her self getting sleepy, let alone fall back in the plush leather cushions, mouth agape. She must have slept this way for quite a while, for she did not hear the rustling coming from beyond the closed sliding door. Soft feel tiptoed down the corridor towards the den. Another pair slipped in to the girls’ room.

Kat was awakened to a plastic bag being slipped over her head. Fear and trepidation suffocated her before the bag did. Slyly sticking her hand underneath the bag, she poked a hole swiftly where her lips would be, all the while flailing, fighting with her aggressor. She felt her back and head being pummeled unmercifully as the attacker fought with all of their might to ensure she would not take another breath of air. Her muffled cries fell on deaf ears. Her legs kicked and twitched angrily. The wild swing of her arm caught the aggressor off guard, sending them careening backwards into the glass coffee table, causing them and the table to crash to the floor. The attacker lay unmoving, blood pooling about their head. She yanked the bag off of her head gratefully, gulping in the air as fast as she could. She fell to her knees, feeling the world go black around her. There was too much for her to live for. The girls. Composing herself, her current scenario started making sense. These were hired Free-Runners. After the government had discovered that some people were resistant to the virus, they started rounding up the misfits to use for their own benefit. These misfits, or Free Runners, were a small group that could scale buildings, cars, walls; anything without making a sound. And here they were. Somehow they had managed to get in to Kat’s sixth floor apartment without using the front door. The reality that was happening all around her was all to consuming. She could hear nothing but her own heartbeat thudding and thumping dangerously against her chest. Struggling to gain her composure, she crawled and clawed her way on the carpeted floor to her daughters’ room. She could make out the faint muffles and stifled screams thru the closed door. Panic kept her moving in the direction of their room. She had to get to them. As she reached up to punch in the keycode of their bedroom, she felt a sharp pull on her ankle that dragged her back about four feet. She let out a whoosh of air as she was rolled over on to her back to face her attacker.

He looked to be no more than fifteen or sixteen. But something in his eyes said that he had seen and felt far beyond his years. A jagged scar adorned the right side of his cheek. It looked as though at some point someone had opened his entire cheek. Kat blinked stupidly at this young boy standing over her. She couldn’t believe that someone so young had so much venom and seething desire to destroy her and her girls. Using the strength she had left, she cocked her heel back, landing a firm kick squarely in his groin. Groaning and writhing in pain, he clutched desperately at his bruised jewels. He fell sideways, attempting to curl up in the fetal position. On his way down, he knocked his head, once again, this time incapacitating him. Scrambling with the keypad, she was finally able to swing it open. Just as she was about to crawl over the threshold, she caught a glimpse of Sylvan as one of the intruders slung her over his shoulder. The look of desperation in Syl’s eyes was too much for Kat to bear. Summoning all of her energy, she hoisted herself to her feet, launched in full attack. She screamed and pounded on the man that held Syl with all of her might. He swatted at her carelessly, as though she were a mere fruit fly in a dense jungle, sprawling her on the floor. She gurgled in frustration, ripping at the flesh of his ankles and calves. Hefting a large work boot, he stomped on her legs over and over again, planting a few kicks firmly on her calves. She let out a cry of pain, not fully comprehending what was really going on. He kept stomping on her while he held the screaming, flailing Syl over his shoulder. Kat scanned the room thru the rain of stomps to see where Zoe was. She was no where to be found. Hopefully she had found solace in the closet. Kat was still unsure as to how many of these Free Runners were actually in her house. Rolling over on her side, she kicked the man in his Achilles, hoping to topple him.

He teetered dangerously. Syl seeing a window of opportunity, flung her fists hotly, intent on pounding her way to freedom. This motion threw him further off kilter. He went down hard, dropping Syl along the way. She rolled to the side and out of harm’s way. The attacker now lay atop Kat’s severely bruised calves, injured and even angrier than a homeless hornet. Just then a voice from the doorway boomed, bringing the deafening silence to an end.

“Enough! Grab the little one and find the other girl. Leave the mother to me.” A squat man, appearing to be no more than twenty, strode across the room and leaned down to whisper in Kat’s ear.

“We’re going to have fun with your little one. Untouched and Uninfected? I hope she screams loud enough so you can hear.” He slid his slimy serpent like tongue in her ear, flicking suggestively. She squirmed away in repulsion. Pulling himself back up to his full height, he towered over her, sneering sadistically.

“By the way I’m Bonner.” And with a single blow he rendered her unconscious.


Kendall sat on the edge of his plastic pod confused by the surrel dream he had just had. A warmth much like euphoria overcame him. He wallowed in the feeling that swept over his form. This dream was not like any other. If he didn’t know better, he could have sworn that it had actually happened. Some event that was almost tangible tangled itself in front of his psyche. He didn’t remember much that happened, being that he was blasted out of his mind on a continuous basis. With the daily concoction of Jack and Coke, four lines of cocaine and the little purple pill everyone in the city called a “zing”. There wasn’t a day he wasn’t flying high. He fought desperately to try to remember every detail of the dream.

“Wheredaya think your going sexy lady!!!” Swaying, he managed to get spittle on her check. She wiped discretely, smiling politely. He grinned foolishly.

“What’s your name?” He leaned lazily against the wall, placing his right forearm above her head for support.

“Hannah. Nice to meet you.” She extended her hand. He took it eagerly, engulfing it in his clamminess. They stood this way, conversating about this or that, for some time. After a few hours, she asked him to walk her to her room since the glider was being worked on. His head bobbed foolishly in agreement. Blushing, she gathered her outerwear and led him across campus.

They walked in the dense foggy autumn weather, strolling casually. Kendall was a regular chatterbox tonight. This was so unlike him. Usually he did his drug routine, and sat in a dark corner brooding about how fat the newest wannabe supermodel would be in ten years. Tonight was different.

His pulse quickened as they neared her dorm. Coyly, she coaxed him upstairs, although not much coaxing was needed. He followed like a lovesick puppy dog up the stairs. As she jiggled the keys in the door, he leaned in to kiss the nape of her neck. Her whole body trembled, causing her to drop the keys altogether. Fumbling, she picked them up again, only to end up in his overbearing embrace. His mouth devoured hers. Instinctively she fought, and then slowly allowed herself to become absorbed by his manliness. Breaking away, she shoved the key into the door and pushed hard, tumbling slightly. His hands roamed her breasts freely, pinching and pulling at her nipples. Falling into the bed, his hands caressed her everywhere. Rubbing at her panties, he slipped his finger in through the side, lingering just above her clit. Her breath caught in her throat as he waited expectantly for him to plunge his fingers deep into her sweet spot. She thrust her hips upwards, mocking him. From inside her panties, he ripped them off and outward. Her eyes became wide with alarm. Sliding down, he clamped his mouth over her pubis, sucking and licking her vaginal lips hungrily. She squirmed with delight. He used his tongue like a spear, poking and prodding that sweet spot over and over again until he felt her creamy warmth fill his mouth. She moaned and shuddered slightly. Rubbing her erect nipples, she waited for him to make a move. Getting up, he wiped her juice from his mouth and unzipped his pants, allowing his monstrous manhood to fall out not so casually from its home. A look of fear, amazement and admiration washed her face. Propping her legs open missionary style, she splayed her pinkness, exposing her depths. He stroked himself, allowing it to grow and move in his hands. He stroked faster and faster as he watched her play with her lips, teasing and taunting him. Not being able to withstand the pressure, he leapt on her, clumsily trying to shove his dick into her. Wiggling beneath him, she tried to move herself into position. Finally finding the right spot, he let the whole length of his penis slide deep into her. She screamed in agony. He left it as deep as it could go. Small beads of perspiration broke out on her forehead.

“I can’t do this. I’m sorry. You’re too big.” Her voice was a hoarse whisper. He drew his dick back, only to drive it all the way in again. She yelped painfully. Tears were beginning to form.

“Please don’t. It hurts.” She pushed his chest as hard as she could. Her eyes pleaded helplessly. Ken grinned stupidly from within his fog of inebriation. She must have begged for hours as he bucked and pounded that sweet virgin pussy. Crying, begging, pleading, threatening, nothing worked. He continued to fuck her over and over again. Finally, he began to pound at record speed, his cock widening and lengthening the faster his rhythm went. With one finally thrust, he felt as though he had shot every ounce of cum he had ever produced into this juvenile girl. Coming out of his trance, he looked down at his victim; the crying, blubbering mess of a woman. Confused, he rolled off of her, looking down at the mess he made. There was a mixture of semen, and some darker fluid. ‘Blood’, he realized with growing uneasiness. He put his pants back on uncertainly. Hannah made no attempt to move or cover up. She had rolled over, exposing her perfectly sculpted, yoga ass, as she lay with her head buried deep into the pillow. Something stirred in him from below. He couldn’t believe that the sight of her ass, even after injecting her with everything that he had, he still wanted to spread those cheeks and go to town again. He thought for a moment. She was already upset to begin with and would probably snitch anyway. So why not? He dropped trough again, mounting her. Her body became rigid again, as did his manhood. He slapped her ass over and again with his hands and his penis. Finally getting the right stiffness, he slowly slid his monster into her anus. Instantly he felt the warmth and tightness give him a surge. He didn’t want to be gentle with this. He wanted to feel the head rush that accompanied the act. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought that she had poked her ass out further to take more of the dick. But he knew that couldn’t be possible, she was still crying and shuddering beneath him. Just a few more thrusts, and he would be…every blood cell and capsule seemed to have come to the surface. He could see brilliant colors that he had never seen before dance from behind his lids. He gripped her waist hungrily, making sure that her ass stayed where it was until he stopped pulsing.

He had never in all of his life cum the way that he had tonight. Exhausted, he rolled off of her and on to the floor. She had finally stopped making noise, and now only stared out into space, lost. Tugging his pants back on, he headed to the door, glancing briefly over his shoulder. After a quick decision, he went back over to the bed, leaning in to her ear.

“I want some more.” He rubbed her ass lovingly, leaning down to kiss both of her buttocks. He nibbled and kissed suggestively. Hannah felt her vaginal walls fluxuate the further his mouth went towards her center. His tongue found her vagina again, and he went back to sucking despite the mess that he had made earlier. With a finally kiss, his lips were back at her ear.

“I’ll be back. I want you ass up face down.” He slurred seductively, as he smacked her ass with finality, causing it to shake reflexively. She groaned slightly. He staggered down the hall and out into the cool fall air. He fell into the grass, halfway across campus. He lay there, looking up at the stars hopelessly. After a few moments, he couldn’t remember anything more than what his name was. He drifted off to sleep, only to be awoken by the timed sprinklers.

Waking with a start, he tried to remember how he got here. His body ached as he pulled himself into a standing position. He stretched lethargically, yawning all the while. He sauntered over to his dorm room to get ready for class. That was all he could remember. Kendall was sure that there was more to the dream then he could remember at the moment, but he just couldn’t put his finger on it. He let the eerie felling drop off. He had more important things to think about right now.

Several years later……………….

Today was the day. He was going to ask his girlfriend, Brea Harris, of 6 years to marry him after having been harassed for the last five. He had no doubt as to what her answer would be. They were both ready to take the huge leap, at least now he was. She had been ready for years. He gazed out of the window groggily, delirious with happiness. He could almost smell the sweet morning dew wafting thru the cracked window. He closed his eyes and let the moment wash over him. A nest of birds nearby seemed to sing their approval. He gazed over longingly at Brea. She was so angelic. Her auburn hair laid about the pillow, as though a halo. Her skin, still bronzed from their recent trip to the French Rivera, accentuated her rose colored lips. Slowly peeling back the sheet, he devoured her body visually. Realizing that he was awakening the dragon below, he diverted his attention back to the mission at hand. He wanted to ravage her right here, right now, but there would be time later when he had her in their honeymoon suite. He was going to fly her to Paris and marry her tonight; as long as everything went according to plan. Slipping into yesterdays outfit of holey jeans, torn rock t-shirt and chuck taylors’, he slipped out of the back door, careful to not let the clicking of the lock awake her. He strolled down the driveway to his car, climbing behind the wheel; he fiddled with the radio dials settling on a local rock station. A band named WiperZ filled the airwaves with their promise of never-ending change and political tyranny. He gunned the Mercedes engine and roared down the winding road, headed for the expressway back into Manhattan. As he neared the tunnel, he noticed a car on the side of the road with one of the tires off. Being the Samaritan that he was, he pulled over to offer his assistance. Pulling in behind the VW, he noticed the driver was a petite Spanish looking woman, resembling Selma Hayek. She pushed her bosom out for effect, not that she needed to at this stage of the game. She smiled charismatically at him, showing off her thousands of dollars in dental work. He smiled back as he climbed out of his car. He was reminded of a not so distant memory at a club in the city.

“…Come on dude. Just one drink. You can’t tell me that your ball and chain will have a problem with you being a few minutes late?” Phillip eyed Ken incredulously. Ken laughed jovially. He considered his options for a minute before deciding to join his friend. Slapping him on the back, Edward ushered him into his beat up Mustang. Speeding along the expressway, they joked about Phillip’s countless conquests.

“I have this hot one, Hannah, that slut from college. Remember her? We’re going to meet her and her girlfriend at Houston’s.” He grinned devilishly. Ken shook his heady emphatically. There was another feeling brewing just below the surface that he couldn’t quite place. Hannah….He knew the name, but he wasn’t sure why.

“No can do. You know that I’m dating Brea now. I don’t want to get myself into anything that I can’t handle right now.” Philip kept speeding, avoiding several potholes along the way. They pulled up in front of a swank club near Rockefeller Center. The valet ran to the car hurriedly. Philip tossed him the keys, strolling in the entrance. Ken trailed unhappily.

The smells were intense in this place. It smelled of soft leather, honeysuckle tea, and jasmine. Ken inhaled deeply. He wanted to remember that smell forever. He decided then that he would find Brea some perfume that reminded him of this moment. A tap on his shoulder from the present, brought him reeling back to reality.

She was the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen in his life. With her translucent olive skin, dimples, wavy auburn hair, and killer smile, he was at her mercy. There was something familiar about her that he just couldn’t put his finger on.

“What seems to be the trouble?” He strolled over confidently.

“I’m not too sure. Something happened with the tire, so I tried to fix it because I thought maybe the air pressure was too low. But there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it. What can I do?” Her voice was saccharine to Ken’s ears. That was one of the reasons that he loved Brea. She was the real deal. No Park Avenue Princess there. He knelt down to get a better view of the tire. He noticed the slightest slit along the base.

“It looks like you need a new tire. You have a slit in it. We can take the tire to a tire store so they can patch it, or you can just get a new one. I can give you a lift if you want.” He motioned at his car a few feet away. She glanced over his shoulder, at her company’s car. He would do.

“That would be great. Thank you so much for stopping. I’m Hannah Belle.” She extended her hand to him, he shook it limply.

They both got into the roadster, heading towards Twelfth Avenue. She hummed a soft tune to herself as they drove. He watched her from the corner of his eye. All he had to do was drop her off at the closest tire shop, and then he could be on his way. Pulling into the parking lot, he noticed that the gates were drawn, and the lights were off. Checking his watch, it was only ten am. Why wouldn’t they be open? He tried peering inside to get a better look. He strolled back to the car confused.

“They seem to be all closed up. Let’s try another one down the block.” He revved and sped off to the next spot.

That too seemed to be closed. Hannah motioned him back. He strode over to the passenger side.

“Don’t worry about the tire. I think it’s one of those federal holidays today. If you can just take me to my apartment over on Morton Street, that would be great. My brother used to be a mechanic, so I’m sure he’ll know what to do.” She smiled sweetly again. Shrugging, they sped off in the direction of her home.

Stopping in front of a dilapidated building, Hannah turned, offering her hand once again.

“It was very nice to meet you Mr.; I didn’t catch your name.” He took her hand and shook it more firmly this time.

“I’m Ken. Nice to have met you. I hope everything works out.” He nodded politely.

“Why don’t you come up for a cup of coffee, or a tequila sunrise? What ever your poison may be.” She winked mischievously. He smiled in spite of himself. Hesitating for only a moment, he parked the car soundlessly. She climbed out first, heading to the front door. He wasn’t too far behind. She pressed a button on the intercom. There was a crackle and a male voice.

“Bonner, its Hannah. Let me in.” There was silence, and a buzz. She pushed the heavy door with her shoulder, heading up the dark staircase. The stairs seemed to wind and go on forever, even though there were only six flights. She turned right on the sixth landing and headed to the first door. He pushed lightly, and the door gave. Ken surveyed his surroundings.

This had to be the darkest, drabbest place he had been in a long time. There were huge holes in the walls, exposing the decaying plaster, roaches and rodents. The short circuited fluorescent light from overhead seemed to be the nexus of a roach motel. A small mouse scuttled down the steps, obviously scared by the intrusion. He remembered his “cocaine” days. This was the sort of place he would have frequented if he had needed a fix. He shuddered slightly. Stepping thru the doorway, he realized that the home didn’t match the building in the least bit. There were rainbows and bright splashes of color everywhere. He caught a picture of a little girl dressed in ballerina garb in the hallway. He followed her to the end of the hallway and in to the kitchen. She started pulling glasses and bottles from cabinets.

“So tell me about yourself Ken. Where are you from?” She asked curiously. She continued making her concoction as they talked.

“I live just across the water in Jersey with my girlfriend. And you?”

“Now did you hear me ask if you were single? A little presumptuous aren’t we?” She winked at him, laughing playfully. He chuckled along with her. She handed him a drink, he took it gratefully. As he chugged his drink, he noticed that she had prepared four glasses. But there were only three people in the house, and he hadn’t even seen the third person as of yet. His brow furrowed with concern.

“Are we having company?” He was only half joking. Before he could wrap his mind around the situation, he felt sharp blows rain down on his back and head. The blows wouldn’t stop. He felt his body being beat into submission. He gasped and gurgled helplessly. Sliding to the floor, he locked eyes with Hannah. She stood motionless, watching with intrigue. He felt himself slip from consciousness, and he was gone. He lay sprawled on the shiny linoleum floor, the remnants of his drink spilt about him. She crept over to him cautiously. Leaning down, she felt for a pulse. Finding one, she grinned happily.

“Bonner, I don’t know what I’d do without you. Help me carry him into the bedroom.” Hannah grabbed his legs, Bonner his upper body. Plopping him down on the plush bed, she began stripping him hungrily. She took her time undoing his pants. Pulling them down slowly, she let her eyes wash over his genitals. He was massive. Bonner watched his sister hatefully. Hannah never noticed her brother leave, nor did she hear the engine as he started Ken’s car and drove off

She continued to watch her prey, enamored by the beauty of his penis.

Grabbing scarves, socks, and anything else that she could find, she bound him to the bed. Taking more precaution aybe more than she should have. But she couldn’t be too careful. Climbing off of him, she went to the living room and turned on her favorite cd, by The Zombie Girls. Turning up the volume as loud as it would go, she went back to her bedroom, undressing as she went along. She went and lay down in the bed next to Ken., stroking his chest lovingly. She was waiting for him to arise on his own. She didn’t like to rush the process. It was better for him to come to on his own accord. After a while, she dozed off, only to be awakened by Ken’s howling. Shoving her breast in his mouth hoping he would suckle, she struggled to reach the duct tape on the side of the bed. She hadn’t expected him to scream so early on. Finally successful, she yanked a piece off. She noticed that he was now suckling, just as she had intended. There was not a straight man on the face of the earth that would say no to a mouth full of tittie. She savored his mouth fully enclosed around her breast. She felt the moistness between her thighs oozing. She saw his manhood rise by the second. He was almost ready. She let him enjoy the moment before the intensity began. Yanking her breast from his mouth’s grasp, she went to stand at the foot of the bed, mentally preparing the next phase. He watched her wide eyed. She reached under the bed and extracted what looked like a dildo. His eyes got wider. She grinned crazily.

“O Mr. Kendall, I have something to show you.” With that she pounced, ramming the unlubricated dildo in his ass. His muffled screams were no match for the electronica playing over the speakers. Tears of anguish, pain, guilt, and shame streamed down his face. He writhed in vain. The more pain he seemed to be in, the deeper she would shove the dildo. This went on for what seemed an eternity. Not being able to control himself or his bowels, he released. There was a gush of shit and blood that poured from his anus onto the bed. She stopped momentarily to watch. Becoming excited, she reached down and smeared the mess with a hand, rubbing the remnants on his chest and face. He gagged reflexively. She smacked him hard against his cheek, leaving a trail of feces.

“Remember me baby? You had fun fucking me when I didn’t want it. Now its my turn!”

He tried again in vain to break free from her clutches. This bitch was beyond crazy. Now completely naked, she climbed on top of his urgent manhood. She knew he wanted this. He had been hard since the moment that he met her, and she had noticed. The undeniable bulge in his pants had to be Hannah’s. She bucked and rode him. This had a momentary calming effect. Every time he would lift his pelvis to thrust, she would punch him in the mouth. Giving up, he allowed her to fuck the shit out of him, literally and figuratively. As she climaxed, she clawed and ripped at the flesh on his chest. She sat atop the still hardened muscle, breathing unevenly. The need to cum being too great, he risked the blows of her fist. He began to pound her unmercifully. She groaned and screamed with desire. She felt him explode and shudder as he came, his eyes rolling in to the back of his head dramatically. She looked down at him with disgust. Climbing off of him, she saw the mixture of their love juice sliding out of her cunt. Sticking her fingers inside her, she extracted them, drenched in juice. Pulling back the tape on his mouth, she traced his lips with juicy fingers. He watched her apprehensively, sucking on her fingers hungrily. She let him for a bit before she yanked her hand back, replacing the tape. She heard the front door open just then. In a panic, she threw her clothes back on haphazardly, meeting Bonner in the kitchen.

“Where did you go?” She asked quizzically as she adjusted herself.

“Where the hell do you think? I went to go get your fucking car and leave his there. We still do have to cover our asses. Are you done fucking?” He asked hatefully. She smiled coyly.

“It’s your turn bro. I loosened up the ass for you.” She giggled playfully. He glared at her, skulking off to the bedroom in search of their new playmate.

The best part of this set up was that Hannah and Bonner were not really brother and sister. They met while living with a foster parent. Hannah was sixteen, Bonner almost sixteen. They became fast friends. They went everywhere and did everything together. Trauma has a funny way of affecting kids. On Hannah’s eighteenth birthday, Evelyn, their saintly foster mother was stabbed to death by one of the more wayward kids that she refused to give up on. The state separated all of them, divvying them up amongst six different families. Hannah had fared far better than Bonner had. He went to jail shortly after the tragedy for trying to choke a guy that cut him off on the road.

Hannah’s real name was Danica Samuels. She had been born to Grant Samuels and Vivian Hummel. They were a pretty average couple. Cocktails and cards on Thursdays, fish on Fridays, pot roast on Sunday. You would never have known that they were international drug smugglers for some king pin in Japan named Tzu. Having skimmed the top noticeably too much this time, Tzu sent in his reinforcements. Vivian had just dropped seven year old Danica off at school a few miles away from their home. As she pulled into the garage, she noticed that the door leading into the house was agape. Scrunching up her face, she shut the car off and trudged in, prepared to let Grant have it. The moment she stepped thru the door, she knew she had made a mistake. An asian man of great proportions towered over her, daring her to move or speak. His sneering grin told Vivian everything that she needed to know. They had taken too much this time. Three quarters of a million too much. He swatted her like a pesky fly, causing her to careen backwards into the wall. Sliding down, she scrambled on the floor to get away. He gave her a swift quick, sending her sprawling. She heard a gurgle in the bathroom. If she could get in there, she could lock the door and get out the window and in to the woods. She dragged her body along the hardwood floor. As she poked her head into the bathroom, the door opened wider and bam! Darkness enclosed her as she realized what was happening. He was going to beat this door into her head. He never relented. The dent that he had created just below the temple began to seep grayish fluid. The gurgle in the bathroom had been Grant. He was sitting head first in the toilet unconscious. Grant was finished in the same fashion as his wife, but only with the toilet seat. Pleased with himself, the assailant left the pristine house quietly. They wouldn’t be a problem ever again. Shortly after that incident, Danica went to live with her grandparents in Iowa. They were old, decrepit and smelled of Ben gay and hard boiled eggs. At the age of ten, she came home to find her grandparents dead in the garage from carbon monoxide poisoning. She was remanded to the state and put into foster care. She jumped from home to home needlessly. She lucked out when she met Evelyn Baez. She loved Danica like her own daughter. After Evelyn’s death, Danica moved back to Long Island to go the college both her parents had gone to. She hoped she’d be able to put the dark clouds behind her. But then the rape had happened. And now here they were. Danica had kept such close tabs on Kendall; she thought for sure he’d know it was her. But she realized when he was with his skank; he didn’t pay attention to any other woman. So she was free to watch and scope as openly as she chose. She had been watching him everyday for almost seven years. And today had been the day. The realization that her bountiful booty was now here excited her once again. She picked up the phone and started dialing.

“Get over here now if you want some of the action.” She hung up, not saying another word.

Back in the bedroom….

Ken still lay bound to the bed. His heart raced and pounded as he saw Bonner approach him. Bonner’s dick was equally as big and as hard as his own. Bonner stripped, stroking his penis as he approached the bed. Climbing on top of Ken, he put his dick in his face, softly slapping him with the head. Ken began his plight to break free all over again. Bonner never hit him. Sliding down in between his thighs, he began to nibble on his anus lovingly. Still caked with shit and hemoglobin, he continued slurping happily. Finally having had enough, he slowly slid his penis into Ken’s softened anus. Ken groaned in pain, tightening his walls. Bonner was done within seconds. Ken felt a rush of thick fluid, as Bonner slumped over his body drained. Hannah came up behind him just then.

“Are you done with him yet? Garvin just got here. He wants some of that ass too.” Bonner slid off of Ken and on to the floor. She jokingly touched Ken’s anus. He flinched protectively. He had no more tears to cry since his tear ducts had dried out. Another figure appeared in the doorway. The smallest gay man he had ever seen hopped up on the bed. Dressed to nines in a deep plum velour sweat suit and shiny patent leather shoes. He eyed Kendall hungrily.

“I want to suck his dick. Where are the condoms?” He glanced around looking for the sex staple. Plucking one off of the night stand, he slid it on Ken with ease. He took the whole penis in one fluid motion. Sucking and lapping at his penis and balls, Ken felt himself become aroused. Panic rose in his chest. This couldn’t be happening. He wasn’t gay. So why was he turned on? Bonner and Hannah stood back, watching the show. Garvin ripped the condom off, wiping the dick clean with a towel he found. He went back to his oral stimulation.

“I want you to cum in my mouth. And you better cum a lot.” His mouth engulfed Ken’s penis once again. Not being able to fight it much more, he came, and hard. Garvin’s choked slightly on Ken’s cum. He swallowed like a true champ. Leaning back, he wiped his mouth slowly.

“Now this was totally worth $500. No one has done that in a long time.” He watched Ken closely tracing his muscles in his abs.

“You shouldn’t have let him cum in your mouth. Don’t come back to us in a few days and tell us he gave you the monster…” He dismissed her thoughts with a wave of the hand.

“How much more to keep him indefinitely?” He reached into his pocket and extracted his check book from his back pocket. Hannah shook her head defiantly.

“He’s not for sale. We have to let him go. You know the rules. You can come back tomorrow if you want, but it will cost you another $500. We have to let him go by tomorrow night. We don’t want our Casanova to be reported as missing now do we?” The trio left Ken.

He lay in the bed feeling dirty and used. He had never contemplated having a gay experience, and now he had had not one, but two experiences all within the same day. He thought over how this whole scenario could have played out differently. He should have fucked his fiancĂ© like he had wanted to. Then he would have missed Hannah altogether. He reminisced over what could have been or what should be. Then he remembered Hannah saying that they had to let him go by tomorrow night. So all he had to do was hang in there until then. That’s if they didn’t kill him first.

The next morning…..

Ken awoke, still lying in the apartment alone. He had not seen or heard from his captors since their molestation the night before. He had to urinate so badly, but there was no where for him to go but on him. Just then the front door opened. Apprehension seized him. Heavy footsteps could be heard walking towards the bedroom. A guy, roughly in his late thirties, early forties popped his head in. He smiled, and then did a double take. Fear crept onto his slightly silvered face. He ripped the tape off of Ken’s mouth.

‘O my God! How did this happen? How did you get into my house?” He began untying him hurriedly.

“Hannah and Bonner. And some guy named Garvin. You have to help me get out of here. They are going to kill me if you let them. Please help me!” His voice was hoarse from all of the attempted screaming and groaning.

“I don’t know who the hell you’re talking about. My wife and I are just getting back from vacation. How long have you been here?” Finally untying the last knot, he sat on the bed next to his savior uncertain. Scanning for his clothes, he put them on at lightening speed. Just then the Mrs. appeared with drinks in hand, letting them clatter to the polished floor when she saw their new companion. She stood frozen in fear. The man put his hand up, to caution his wife.

“Nina call the police. I think he may need an ambulance too.” The man, Edwin, looked at Kendall with deep concern. Kendall stood staring out the window shivering, as his arm tried to find its home in his rumpled shirt. Nina stepped behind him, helping him shrug into his shirt.

Edwin left the room in search of the phone. He found it next to the computer, which happened to be on. In the technology port was a chip still connected to the computer. He tried to wrap his mind around what he was seeing. It looked to be a streaming video, of his guest. He could see a young woman beneath him, squirming and fighting his weight. It only took a few seconds to realize what he was seeing. He was watching this man rape a woman. The white rage that blustered beneath the surface, begged to be released. Whirling madly, he picked up the phone and dialed 911. He put the receiver down and went to the kitchen, grabbing a butcher knife from the drawer. Cautiously, he eased himself down the hallway towards their bedroom. He pricked his ears up expectantly, but there was no sound. Peeking around the door, he waved at Nina. He motioned her over. She looked back at Kendall, who was still looking out the window, and lurched towards to the door and her waiting husband. The commotion stirred Kendall out of his state. He looked at them confused. Now fully dressed, he walked past them in a trance, and out of the apartment. The couple stood huddled against the wall. They listened to his footsteps as he retreated from their lives.

Kendall let the air wash over him. He breathed in deeply, reveling in the moment. He closed his eyes for a minute and waited for something to take the feeling that he was now experiencing away. But it was still there. It was deep in the pit of his stomach. And there was nothing he could do about it. He needed to get home to Brea. He trotted slowly, then a gait, then a steady run towards Broadway. He savored the wind as he pounded the pavement. Visions of Brea danced behind his lids as he tried to escape himself and what had just been done to him. Flashes of Bonner between his legs, sent his stomach plummeting to his knees. He ran faster. Cars whizzing and blaring past him were oblivious to the inner turmoil and pain this man was now feeling. Pounding the pavement unmercifully, he fought the bile that was threatening to rise at any given moment. Just a few more blocks.

Chapter 2

Danica remembered that horrible incident with great clarity. The smells and sounds associated came flooding back as she lingered in the memory.

The sun shone so brightly, she needed her shades today. Pulling them from her knock-off purse, she pushed them up on her bridge daintily. She knew that Edward Collins was watching as usual. He seemed to have become enamored with her over the last semester or two. He always seemed to be underfoot, or close by. He was cute enough, but that wasn’t where her interest lie. She wanted Kendall, Edward’s best friend more than she has ever wanted anything in her life. And she would have him no matter what.

Watching his back walk out of her room, she breathed for the first time since he had been there. She sat on the edge of the bed for several long minutes. Controlling her breathing, she cleared her head and feelings. Glancing over at the top of the door, she watched the red light blink repeatedly. Rising slowly, she walked over, plucking the hand-held camcorder from the top of the door. Sniffling softly, she pushed the “rewind” button. She watched the horror in backwards fast motion, and forward slow motion. Standing in that very spot, she watched the video at least twenty times before shutting the camera off. Connecting the camera to her laptop, she uploaded the video into her video player. Turning on her web cam, she began the stream of the video. Halfway thru the upload, she paused it. There had to be a better way to do this. She wanted to make sure that this uber-priviledged punk knew that she was a force not to be reckoned with. Heading to her bathroom, she plucked a tiny bottle from the top shelf.

Turning the bottle over and over in her hands, she contemplated the future. She could put the bottle back, and lead one way of life. Or she could use the bottle, and change her future and maybe someone else’s also forever. After a split second decision, she closed the medicine cabinet and headed towards her bed. She shrugged her now tattered clothes back on, with bottle still in hand. Glancing out of the window, she saw Kendall staggering and swaying as he walked. His body finally giving in, he fell crumpled to the ground like a rag doll. She held her breath as she watched. He never stirred or moved. Seeing her window of opportunity, she raced out of the building, and into the night. She pulled the hood from her hoodie, just below her eyes to add anonymity. Not that she needed to. At this time of the morning no one was ever out and about. She would be alone for some time. At least she hoped she would be. Scampering across the lawn, she stopped short right next to him. Taking a final look around, she knelt down. Pinching his nose, she tilted his head back and opened his mouth. She poured the contents of the liquid down his throat. Seeing him gulp, she was satisfied. Gamma Hydroxybutric acid, the infamous date rape drug, had done its job.

Sweat and trickles of shame, streamed down Danica’s face as she scrambled to put some distance between her, and her crime. She watched Bonner out of the corner of her eye. He still seemed so calm and composed. How is it that nothing that they ever did bothered him? Leaning back in the leather bucket seat, he plucked a cancer stick from his coat and toked away. Gagging reflexively, she rolled the windows, hoping to get the dirty air out as fast as possible.

“Why do you always have to smoke that shit in my car? Why? You know I hate it!” She poked her lip out angrily. Glancing over, he smirked. Sighing, she gunned the engine and sped off in the direction of New Jersey. Luckily, she had managed to pluck Kendall’s wallet out of his pants while he wasn’t looking. She thumbed through the pictures and credit cards, finding what she was looking for. Staring at the driver’s license, she realized that she could have loved him in a different time and place. If, he hadn’t raped her. And that was a big IF. But in fact he had, and here she was dealing with the shell that he had left.


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