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Petit Fours- by Cherry Lynn Thomas

Friends from a very small age play the French game that involves petite fours. Who ever gets the little prize inside theirs, gets to be king or queen for the day, making their friends their subjects for the day. the subjects have to do whatever the king or queen wishes for the day. As the group of friends grow older, their demands grow more absurd. Then one day a friends asks the unspeakable-murder. She asks her friends to kill a vicious rival who everyone would like to see dead anyway. The friends agree to help and this is where their journey takes a wild ride.

Their tiny little noses pressed against the bakery's glass, tried to inhale the aromas thru the thick pane. The only thing they actually got to smell was their own breath from the condensation they were creating around their cute little faces.. Tika, Alexander, Sasha, and Robert (pronounced "Ro bear") had all been friends pretty much since birth. Robert and Tika were brother and sister and Sasha was a friend of Tika, who was best friends with Alexander. Phew. So this friendship square they had created flourished and grew into something no less than extraordinary. It all started with the Petite Fours.

The four children were what you would call privileged. All having grown up in the South of France with silver spoons in their mouths, there weren't too many things that they didn't have that they wanted. Economically, they were living fairytale lives with their tailored clothing and far too-expensive shoes. Tika and Robert's mother Ana, lived for her children. They were her pride and joy and she would have no one bad talk her ill-behaved children. For the most part, they were both sweet kids with rambunctious dispositions and raucous ideologies that always lead to greater mischief than they had bargained for. They ran the house and their mother with their behavior. They enjoyed frazzling their mother with their behavior. Particularly since their father was always gone on business; typically three out of four weeks, that was the only time they ever behaved. When PaPa was home. They all went to great lengths to ensure that he didnt find out about their misadventures, Ana included. She didnt like to worry Francois too much while he was home. Home was to be his solace. But while PaPa was gone, the kids would play. Should you ever ask anything that was unfitting to them in the moment, they would threaten public embarrassment that was always lived up to when the time came in some playful manner. So Ana, being the dignified socialite that she was, always conceded unless it was dangerous or downright silly. She had an image to uphold in the community. Despite what her two hooligans did. She liked to appease them any way that she could. While out purchasing some needless gifts for the kids, she heard a woman in one of the high end boutiques discussing a birthday party plan for the cake. She was going to put little trinkets inside for the children to take home. Ana's brain went into high gear as she window shopped and actually retail shopped for a new suit to wear to the latest fundraiser.

Then it came to her. She knew a way to get the other kids to behave and help keep themselves in line. She would put only one gift in the group of cakes, and whoever gets the trinket gets to rule for the day with an iron fist. She figured that children can only request so many things since their resources were so limited. She rushed about, giddy with excitement. That evening she put her plan into action.

The children took their usual places. (The foursome always ate dinner at Tika and Robert's house, no matter what. Alexander and Sasha's parents were always traveling so they had no issue with the arrangement. )As the children sat around the grand dining table in the great dining room, she watched them interact with each other playfully. She rang the little service bell to the right of her plate gently. An Asian woman of about 40, came thru the open, heavy oak doors. She was dressed in a fashionable crisp white maid uniform. She didnt look a day over 32. As she entered, she was carrying a trap heaped with colorful little cakes. As she went around the table, each child picked their cake, dizzy with excitement. They all looked at the placed plate of cake set before them, chops drooling in anticipation. Ana dinged her crystal glass for their attention. She looked at their expectant faces. Their excitement was contagious.

"If you open you cake and find a little person inside, you will be King or Queen for the day. That means the three of you will have to do what that person wants for the whole day, until its bedtime. Open your cakes." They all sat their looking at the cake dumbfounded. Sasha had a puzzled look on her face and spoke first.

"That's not fair. What if they want us to do something gross!" Her voice rose an octave in horror. Ana laughed heartily.

"Ok. We'll make it a rule. No gross requests. Deal?" Just as she spoke the word deal, Alexander ripped the cake open with his dessert fork, only to find nothing but cream inside. His shoulders sank a little, crestfallen.

The other children carefully opened their desserts. Tika looked inside all of the layers hoping it was nestled somewhere in a cranny. Robert chopped up his cake to make his search that much more easy. Sasha took a bite of the cake, savoring the sweet chocolate sauce in between the layers. She continued taking little nibbles. Half way through, she saw the little green legs sticking out. She pulled it gingerly from his nest, displaying it for the table to see. The children gasped.

Sasha's eyes were wild with wonderment. She blinked slowly, trying to comprehend her current situation. See the dynamic of the children was very interesting. It was as if there were a hierarchy built in to their square. And sadly Sasha was and always would be the black sheep of the crew. She was the little girl that the others kept around to make themselves feel better. Her eyes looked sad and forlorn no matter how much life danced in her brilliant blues. For her, despite having money at her disposal, she would never be one of the cool kids, even if she bought them. So this opportunity was golden. She sat back in her high back satin chair amazed. She was the queen. Eight eyes stared at her, all feeling different surges of emotion.

"Sasha darling, you've won. What is your first request, Your Highness." Ana took a deep curtsy next to Saha's chair. The little girl blushed importantly. She shrugged apprehensively. Tika sighed exasperated.

"See mama she doesnt know what to do. Let me be queen." Snatching the figure from the table in front of Sasha, she put in front of herself, folding her arms across her small chest defiantly. Displeasure written all over her small features. Ana shook her head impatiently.

"It is not your turn. Sasha pulled the prize, so she gets to be the queen. Now tell them what you would like them to do sweetie." Grabbing the figure and handing it back to Sasha, her voice turned sweet when she faced her. Ana was beginning to realize more and more that perhaps she had created a monster. Sasha was still blinking stupidly like she was living in a fantasy. She swallowed hard before she spoke.

"I think everyone should give me their favorite toy." Her eyes widened when they landed on Tika's fancy, sequined purse she carried everywhere. Who knew what sort of treasures lay inside. Tika clutched her purse defensively. The boys both reached for their respective toys. The room got a little more uncomfortable as the realization that they were going to have to give her what she wanted for the day.

You see these toys were no ordinary toys. Some time back, the children had stumbled upon an old antiques store. The dusty musk of enchantment filled their heads and nostrils sending their imaginations into overdrive. They stood in awe in front of the tiny brick facade, broken cobblestone beneath their small feet. Finally gathering courage, Robert pushed the heavy, ancient door, using his shoulder for power. A tiny bell jingled as they stepped through the threshold. Their parents were going to murder them all if they got their silks dirty. But as always they took the chance. A tiny man, of no more five feet came bustling hurriedly to the front of the store. His wiry white hair stood atop his head in all directions. Bushy brows, beard and mustache covered the majority of his face. But there was no mistaking the kindness and twinkle of mischief that danced behind his chestnut eyes. He wiped his hands carefully on his apron, muttering to himself all the while. Clearing his throat,

"Good afternoon children. What is your delight?" He grinned sheepishly, bowing his head slightly, almost as though they were royalty. The children exchanged excited glances, nudging the other to speak up. Finally, Alexander spoke up.

"We just wanted to have a look around if thats ok. We wont steal anything. We have money, see?" He withdrew a handful of Francs from his pocket, dropping a few of the notes. The man waved at him impatiently, walking from behind the counter towards the children.

"I'm not worried about money young one. I asked you a question." He leaned in towards Alexander, touching the boy's nose with his index finger. His voice was slightly too high and sing-songy. He looked he could have been a distant relative of one of the dwarfs from Snow White. He was slightly round, everywhere, giving him a jolly appearance, just in a smaller package. Alexander blinked confoundedly at the man. Tika, as always the go-getter spoke in rapid fire.

"Well my brother loves trains. He says one day he'll drive a train all the way from Paris to Berlin without stopping. But he's still a silly boy and doesnt realize mummy and papa would never allow it. Sasha loves books. You cant ever get her nose out of a book. Maybe one day she'll grow up and marry a book. Yea? (she laughs to herself) And Robert loves clocks. He's practically obsessed with them. He spends hours hunting for clocks to wind. He's a little weird." She leans toward the old man, whispering the last part, as though everyone wouldnt hear what she had just said. The man chuckled heartily to himself as though that was the funniest thing he had ever been told. He gripped his belly as his body heaved comically. Sasha stood looking shy and less than comfortable.

"And what about you dear? What is your delight?" He tilted his head to the side quizzically. Her eyes got dreamy and far off.

"I love purses. Big ones, small ones, green ones, purple ones, cloth ones, satin ones, sparkly ones. I just love them all!" She sighed heavily, hugging herself as she stared off wistfully thinking about all the purses she had back at home, waiting for her. The boys laughed amongst themselves at her level of girliness. Tika, swatted at them absently, still staring off into the unknown.

"Now, now children. There will be none of that. I think I have something for all of you here. Just stay right there and we'll fix you up." He tousled both of the boys hair and scurried off into the back of the store.

They listened as things were tossed about. A cat hissed protectively as her tail came under fire, a crash of glass echoed through the shop, creating a deafening sound. Firmly clamping their small hands to their heads, the children winced with every catastrophic sound that radiated from the backroom. Colorful tiny balls of glass rolled from a canister that had toppled over. The lights that gleamed from them was a tad peculiar. Upon closer inspection, they looked more like orb of light than marbles. Before their little minds could wrap their brains around what they were seeing, a dimpled, chubby paw scooped them back up and out of sight. Just then, the tiny bell over the entrance rang and the front door opened.

In stepped a chocolate dipped child. At least that is what she looked like to them. Her skin was smooth and almost translucent, her eyes the color of fire roasted chestnuts. Her deep brown curls, bouncing with her every step as she neared the counter. The children stared at her in awe. They had never seen a Metisse before. Metisse were an indigenous tribe of Native Americans that had been transplanted 2 generations ago. They were actually Native American and Black that had been infiltrated by the soldiers that commandeered their land in

Tika's purse, in its depths, contained wishes. Anything she could think of could be.


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