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Beachy-by Cherry Lynn Thomas

The bright day was fresh and clean by the beach. She had been dreaming of the beach for the last few weeks, but with work she just hadn't had time. She could smell the crispness of the air, the feel of the coastal breeze on her delicate skin. She let her senses enjoy this bout of sensory déjà. Having finished the week of work for the next two weeks, she decided today was the day. Hopping happily from bed into the shower, she hummed a soft melody, lightening her spirit further. Readying herself in a flowy white, summer dress, she headed to the kitchen to pack her picnic basket on the kitchen counter. She pulled a bottle of white wine from the fridge as well as assorted cheeses, some rosemary foccacia bread, and some juicy red grapes. Her mouth watered at her coming feast. She popped a few grapes greedily and closed the basket. Grabbing her straw hat and beach towel from the front closet she headed to her car. She paused for a moment as the warm, welcoming sun gazed down on her freshly scrubbed skin. There was something about clean skin and the sun. It just made her feel good. Leaning in the car she pressed a button and watched the top on her Roadster go down slowly. She was in no rush. Climbing in with her beach gear, she turned the radio to a sultry jazz station. Humming along, she drove down the rocky coast to a more secluded section of the beach. After half an hour of amazing scenery, she could take it no more and parked on the shoulder of the road. She scaled the low embankment, pleased with herself. She jogged down the little dune that lead down to the beach. The sand was warm on her cooled soles. She kicked off her sandals and hankered down at the edge of the beach. Shielding her eyes, she scanned the perimeter for any potential gawkers. Seeing none, she stripped her dress exposing her voluptuous breasts. Fanning out her towel she flopped on her soft stomach, facing the beach. She closed her eyes momentarily and smelled the air. She stayed this way for some time before her growling stomach brought her back to reality. Righting herself, she pulled out some smoked Gouda and her bread. She heaped the pre-sliced cheese on her savory bread. Grabbing the wine, she searched for the bottle opener. Not finding it, she used the cheap opener on her keychain. Looking in the basket again she realized she had forgotten a glass also. She would have to chug. She smiled to herself. She plugged in the headphones to her cell phone and let herself get lost in the moment. After her meal she lay down on her back and basked in the warmth. Somehow she had managed to drift off to sleep.

She awoke with a start when she realized she was partially naked. The breeze tickling her now erect nipples. Grabbing for her dress, and not finding it, she began to panic. She realized with mounting fear that all of her stuff was gone. She only had the white lace boy shorts that she had worn beneath her dress. She scanned the area frantically. She was completely alone. Her eyes fell on a small row boat about half a mile out. She stood, shielding her eyes, to get a better view. She saw a dusty looking man, hunched over, pounding at something in the boat, causing it to rock dangerously. Was that blood on his arms? She stared for a minute longer trying to see what she was really seeing. Not being able to make heads or tails, she continued her mission to find her stuff. She had to find it, the car keys were in the pocket of her dress. She walked north along the beach, following the breeze. Maybe a strong wind had come along while she was napping. But she knew the probability was next to nil. Strangely, not a soul was out on such a beautiful day. The once treasured solitude was now creating the mounting fear that welled at the base of her throat. She trudged on, the sand now hot beneath her feet. She rounded a dune and saw a flash of white in a small cave under the rocky dune. She ventured, annoyed that she had probably been duped by some kids. Climbing in, her hands rested on the familiar feel of her satin dress. Feeling further into the cave she withdrew the basket. She reached again, this time for her sandals. Seeming to be caught on something, she tried to give them a good yank. Still unsuccessful she used both hands this time. She felt what seemed like hands wrap themselves around her wrists. Feeling slightly delusional and sun drained, she yanked again. This time she was yanked further into the cave. Her heart racing heart wanted to explode. Positioning her feet against the base of the cave wall, she yanked with all her might, determined to be free. But she was no match; she was yanked again, but this time deep into the recesses of the cave. She screamed a harrowing scream, becoming fainter the deeper she went. Enveloped in blackness she succumbs, losing consciousness.

Slowly coming to, her eyes struggled to adjust to the bright sun beating down on her. Her hand wandered to her throbbing forehead. She felt the ground beneath her sway slightly. What was she lying on? She turned her head slightly and her eyes fell on fiberglass. Where was she? Sitting up on her elbows. She finally saw where she was. In the boat. Looking towards the horizon, she saw her things n the beach right where she'd left them, along with a woman that looked strangely like her, eating from her basket. Looking down she realized she was wearing her white dress again. At the opposite end of the boat sat the dusty looking man she had seen earlier. She scrambled backwards alarmed. Grinning toothlessly, he lunged towards her and began pummeling her body. Gasping for air, she tried to stave him off, to no avail. The blows kept coming. This went on seemingly endlessly. On the beach, the woman having just risen from her nap rose to get a better look at the boat. She stared for a moment before walking north along the beach in search of her clothes.

She kept trying to get a better look at the woman on the beach. But now she could see hundreds of people littered all over the beach. Some were swimming close to the boat and yet did not seem to see her. Was she invisible?


GODWELL said...

Interesting. I was wondering if she was in bliss.

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